HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1945th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.11) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3132 |
membrane; to kneel and worship
- membrane
- to kneel and worship
- membrane
- film

视网膜 shì wǎng mó | retina |
脑膜炎 nǎo mó yán | meningitis |
隔膜 gé mó | diaphragm (anatomy); distant (socially aloof); divided by lack of mutual comprehension; nonexpert |
角膜 jiǎo mó | cornea |
处女膜 chǔ nǚ mó | hymen |
薄膜 bó mó | membrane; film; CL:層|层[ceng2] |
脑膜 nǎo mó | meninx; meninges; membranes lining the brain |
虹膜 hóng mó | iris (of an eye) |
瓣膜 bàn mó | valve (biological) |
黏膜 nián mó | mucous membrane |
羊膜 yáng mó | amniotic (fluid); amnion |
骨膜 gǔ mó | periosteum (membrane covering bone) |
横膈膜 héng gé mó | diaphragm; also written 橫隔膜|横隔膜[heng2 ge2 mo2] |
眼角膜 yǎn jiǎo mó | cornea |
耳膜 ěr mó | eardrum; tympanum (of the middle ear); tympanic membrane |
腹膜 fù mó | peritoneum (anatomy) |
浆膜 jiāng mó | serosa; serous membrane (smooth moist delicate membranes lining body cavities) |
膈膜 gé mó | diaphragm (anatomy) |
结膜炎 jié mó yán | conjunctivitis |
网膜 wǎng mó | retina (anatomy) |
鼓膜 gǔ mó | eardrum; tympanum (of the middle ear); tympanic membrane |
胸膜 xiōng mó | pleural cavity (part of thorax containing lungs) |
角膜炎 jiǎo mó yán | keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) |
细胞膜 xì bāo mó | cell membrane |
巩膜 gǒng mó | sclera (white of the eye) |