HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2937th character |
RADICAL | ⾦ (167.8) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2940 |
balance weight on scale; hammer
- balance weight on scale
- hammer
- hammer
- to hammer into shape
- weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance)
- to strike with a hammer
- variant of 錘|锤[chui2]

锤子 chuí zi | hammer; CL:把[ba3] |
一锤定音 yī chuí dìng yīn | lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow; fig. to make the final decision |
纺锤 fǎng chuí | spindle |
钉锤 dīng chuí | nail hammer; claw hammer |
铅锤 qiān chuí | bob of a plumbline |
锤骨 chuí gǔ | malleus or hammer bone of middle ear |
一锤子买卖 yī chuí zi mǎi mài | a one-off, short-sighted deal; a one-shot, all-out attempt |
包剪锤 bāo jiǎn chuí | rock-paper-scissors (game) |
千锤百炼 qiān chuí bǎi liàn | after hard work and numerous revisions (idiom); the vicissitudes of life |
大锤 dà chuí | sledgehammer |
手锤 shǒu chuí | mallet; drumstick |
拔钉锤 bá dīng chuí | claw hammer |
气锤 qì chuí | air hammer; pneumatic hammer |
测锤 cè chuí | bob of plumb line |
琴锤 qín chuí | mallet; drumstick |
秤锤 chèng chuí | steelyard weights |
铜锤 tóng chuí | mace (weapon); see 銅錘花臉|铜锤花脸[tong2 chui2 hua1 lian3] |
铜锤花脸 tóng chuí huā liǎn | (Chinese opera) tongchui hualian, a military character holding a bronze mace, classified as a jing 淨|净[jing4] role |
锤头鲨 chuí tóu shā | a hammerhead shark |
锤骨柄 chuí gǔ bǐng | manubrium of malleus (handle of hammer bone), connecting ossicles 聽小骨|听小骨 to tympanum 鼓膜 |
雷神之锤 léi shén zhī chuí | Quake (video game series) |
电锤 diàn chuí | rotary hammer; hammer drill |
锤炼 chuí liàn | temper; forge; refine through hardships |
一锤 yī chuí | a single hammer blow |
巨锤 jù chuí | huge hammer; a metaphor for a heavy or crushing blow |