HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1294th character |
RADICAL | ⽻ (124.12) |
STROKES | 17 |
INDEX # | 3435 |
wings; fins on fish; shelter
翼 yì |

小心翼翼 xiǎo xīn yì yì | cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously |
右翼 yòu yì | the right flank; (politically) right-wing |
左翼 zuǒ yì | left-wing (political) |
机翼 jī yì | wing (of an aircraft) |
不翼而飞 bù yì ér fēi | to disappear without trace; to vanish all of a sudden; to spread fast; to spread like wildfire |
羽翼 yǔ yì | wing; (fig.) assistant |
尾翼 wěi yì | empennage (of an aircraft); fletching (of an arrow); fins (of a missile, rocket etc); rear spoiler (of a car) |
副翼 fù yì | aileron (aeronautics) |
翼展 yì zhǎn | wingspan |
翼龙 yì lóng | Dodge Nitro (abbr. for 道奇翼龍|道奇翼龙); pterosaur |
襟翼 jīn yì | (aircraft) wing flap |
如虎添翼 rú hǔ tiān yì | lit. like a tiger that has grown wings; with redoubled power (idiom) |
翼手龙 yì shǒu lóng | pterodactyl |
鼻翼 bí yì | the wing of the nose; ala nasi |
水翼船 shuǐ yì chuán | hydrofoil |
翼侧 yì cè | flank (military) |
极右翼 jí yòu yì | extreme right (politics) |
蝉翼 chán yì | cicada's wing; fig. diaphanous; delicate texture |
不翼而飛 bù yì ér fēi | to disappear without trace; to vanish all of a sudden; to spread fast; to spread like wildfire |
中国左翼作家联盟 zhōng guó zuǒ yì zuò jiā lián méng | the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930 |
中國左翼作家聯盟 zhōng guó zuǒ yì zuò jiā lián méng | the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930 |
前掠翼 qián lüè yì | swept-forward wing (on jet fighter) |
喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县 kā lǎ qìn zuǒ yì měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn | Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳[Chao2 yang2], Liaoning |
喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治縣 kā lǎ qìn zuǒ yì měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn | Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳[Chao2 yang2], Liaoning |
单翼飞机 dān yì fēi jī | monoplane |