HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1301st character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.9) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2966 |
more and more, even more
- more and more, even more
- the more...(the more...)
- to recover
- to heal
- better
- variant of 愈[yu4]

治愈 zhì yù | to cure |
痊愈 quán yù | to recover completely (from illness or injury) |
愈合 yù hé | (of a wound) to heal |
愈来愈 yù lái yù | more and more |
愈发 yù fā | all the more; increasingly |
每况愈下 měi kuàng yù xià | to steadily deteriorate |
愈演愈烈 yù yǎn yù liè | ever more critical; problems get more and more intense |
愈加 yù jiā | all the more; even more; further |
病愈 bìng yù | to recover (from an illness) |
不治而愈 bù zhì ér yù | to recover spontaneously (from an illness); to get better without medical treatment |
全愈 quán yù | variant of 痊癒|痊愈[quan2 yu4] |
完全愈复 wán quán yù fù | complete recovery (after illness) |
愈來愈 yù lái yù | more and more |
愈描愈黑 yù miáo yù hēi | see 越描越黑[yue4 miao2 yue4 hei1] |
愈發 yù fā | all the more; increasingly |
愈益 yù yì | increasingly; more and more |
每下愈况 měi xià yù kuàng | see 每況愈下|每况愈下[mei3 kuang4 yu4 xia4] |
每下愈況 měi xià yù kuàng | see 每況愈下|每况愈下[mei3 kuang4 yu4 xia4] |
每況愈下 měi kuàng yù xià | to steadily deteriorate |
疗愈 liáo yù | to heal; therapy |
愈复 yù fù | recovery (after illness) |
霍然而愈 huò rán ér yù | to recover speedily (idiom); to get better quickly |
韩愈 hán yù | Han Yu (768-824), Tang dynasty essayist and poet, advocate of the classical writing 古文運動|古文运动 and neoclassical 復古|复古 movements |
韓愈 hán yù | Han Yu (768-824), Tang dynasty essayist and poet, advocate of the classical writing 古文運動|古文运动 and neoclassical 復古|复古 movements |
愈重 yù zhòng | increasingly heavy; more and more intense |