HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 3196th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.9) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2753 |
refuse, dregs, lees, sediment
渣 zhā |

渣滓 zhā zǐ | residue; dregs; disreputable people |
残渣 cán zhā | remainder; filtered out residue; sediment; waste product; debris; detritus; rubbish |
煤渣 méi zhā | slack |
矿渣 kuàng zhā | slag (mining) |
废渣 fèi zhā | industrial waste product; slag |
豆腐渣 dòu fu zhā | okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu) |
人渣 rén zhā | dregs of society; scum |
土得掉渣 tǔ de diào zhā | (coll.) rustic; uncouth |
学渣 xué zhā | (coll.) unenthusiastic, mediocre student; underachiever |
學渣 xué zhā | (coll.) unenthusiastic, mediocre student; underachiever |
廢渣 fèi zhā | industrial waste product; slag |
殘渣 cán zhā | remainder; filtered out residue; sediment; waste product; debris; detritus; rubbish |
残渣余孽 cán zhā yú niè | evil elements who have escaped eradication |
殘渣餘孽 cán zhā yú niè | evil elements who have escaped eradication |
渣打银行 zhā dǎ yín háng | Standard Chartered Bank |
渣打銀行 zhā dǎ yín háng | Standard Chartered Bank |
渣男 zhā nán | (coll.) jerk; scumbag |
熔渣 róng zhā | slag (smelting) |
炉渣 lú zhā | furnace slag; ashes from a stove |
爐渣 lú zhā | furnace slag; ashes from a stove |
石渣 shí zhā | gravel |
礦渣 kuàng zhā | slag (mining) |
蔗渣 zhè zhā | bagasse (sugar cane waste) |
药渣 yào zhà | dregs of a decoction |
藥渣 yào zhà | dregs of a decoction |