
pick with fingers; knead; mold

HSK 6 #2472


捏 niē
  • to pinch (with one's fingers)
  • to knead
  • to make up
  • variant of 捏[nie1]



造 niē zào to make up; to fabricate
扭扭 niǔ niǔ niē niē affecting shyness or embarrassment; coy; mincing (walk, manner of speech); mannered
凭空造 píng kōng niē zào fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up
一把汗 niē yī bǎ hàn to break out into a cold sweat (idiom)
合 niē hé to act as a go between
憑空造 píng kōng niē zào fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up
niǔ nie affecting shyness or embarrassment; coy; mincing (walk, manner of speech); mannered
ná niē to grasp; (dialect) affecting shyness; coy; to create difficulties
一把冷汗 niē yī bǎ lěng hàn to break out into a cold sweat (idiom)
估 niē gu to act as a go-between
积 niē jī see 捏脊[nie1 ji3]
積 niē jī see 捏脊[nie1 ji3]
脊 niē jǐ form of therapeutic massage, mainly for children, in which a roll of skin is squeezed, working from the base of the spine to the neck (TCM)
脊治疗 niē jǐ zhì liáo chiropractic (medicine)
脊治療 niē jǐ zhì liáo chiropractic (medicine)
柿子挑软的 shì zi tiāo ruǎn de niē lit. it's the soft persimmons that people choose to squeeze (idiom); fig. it's the weak (i.e. 軟柿子|软柿子[ruan3 shi4 zi5]) who get picked on; bullies pick soft targets
柿子挑軟的 shì zi tiāo ruǎn de niē lit. it's the soft persimmons that people choose to squeeze (idiom); fig. it's the weak (i.e. 軟柿子|软柿子[ruan3 shi4 zi5]) who get picked on; bullies pick soft targets
砌词控 qì cí niē kòng to make an accusation based on fabricated evidence (idiom)
砌詞控 qì cí niē kòng to make an accusation based on fabricated evidence (idiom)
了一把汗 niē le yī bǎ hàn sweat a lot in nervousness; to be highly anxious or nervous
住 niē zhù pinch and hold; to grasp something softly or gently by pressing the thumb and fingers together around it
róu niē to knead; to rub; to massage; to twist
niē yī niē to pinch or press lightly; to squeeze or knead a little
起 niē qǐ Pinch up; to grasp or pick up something by pinching or squeezing it
rèn niē playful pinching
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