HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1923rd character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 3013 |
slide, glide, slip; slippery
溜 liū |

溜走 liū zǒu | to slip away; to leave secretly |
溜冰 liū bīng | ice skating; (slang) to do meth |
一溜烟 yī liù yān | like a wisp of smoke; (to disappear etc) in an instant |
溜达 liū da | to stroll; to go for a walk |
溜冰场 liū bīng chǎng | ice rink; skating rink |
溜冰鞋 liū bīng xié | skating shoes; ice skates; roller skates; roller blades |
滑溜 huá liū | to sauté in sticky sauce |
滑溜 huá liu | smooth; slippery; sticky |
溜之大吉 liū zhī dà jí | to steal away; to beat it |
灰溜溜 huī liū liū | dull gray; gloomy; dejected; crestfallen; with one's tail between one's legs |
酸溜溜 suān liū liū | sour; acid |
溜号 liū hào | (coll.) to slink off |
顺口溜 shùn kǒu liū | popular piece of doggerel; common phrase repeated as a jingle |
溜须拍马 liū xū pāi mǎ | to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants; to toady; boot-licking |
黑不溜秋 hēi bù liū qiū | dark and swarthy |
滴溜溜 dī liū liū | whirling; spinning around and around; round and plump (e.g. of fruit) |
灰不溜秋 huī bu liū qiū | see 灰不溜丟|灰不溜丢[hui1 bu5 liu1 diu1] |
一溜煙 yī liù yān | like a wisp of smoke; (to disappear etc) in an instant |
上溜油 shàng liū yóu | basted (of meat etc) |
光溜 guāng liū | smooth; slippery |
冰溜 bīng liū | icicle |
出溜 chū liu | to slip; to slide |
匀溜 yún liu | even and smooth |
勻溜 yún liu | even and smooth |
哧溜 chī liū | (onom.) slithering; sliding; slipping |