HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1688th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.13) |
STROKES | 17 |
INDEX # | 3434 |
臂 bì |

手臂 shǒu bì | arm; helper |
双臂 shuāng bì | arms; both arms; two arms |
臂膀 bì bǎng | arm |
臂弯 bì wān | crook of the arm |
前臂 qián bì | forearm |
胳臂 gē bei | arm; CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1]; also pr. [ge1 bi4] |
失之交臂 shī zhī jiāo bì | to miss narrowly; to let a great opportunity slip |
臂章 bì zhāng | armband; armlet; shoulder emblem |
长臂猿 cháng bì yuán | gibbon; Hylobatidae (gibbon and lesser ape family) |
膀臂 bǎng bì | upper arm; arm; reliable helper; right-hand man |
悬臂 xuán bì | cantilever |
振臂一呼 zhèn bì yī hū | to issue a call for action; to raise one's hand and issue a rousing call (idiom) |
三头六臂 sān tóu liù bì | lit. to have three heads and six arms (idiom); fig. to possess remarkable abilities; a being of formidable powers |
三頭六臂 sān tóu liù bì | lit. to have three heads and six arms (idiom); fig. to possess remarkable abilities; a being of formidable powers |
交臂 jiāo bì | linking arms; arm in arm; very close |
交臂失之 jiāo bì shī zhī | to miss sb by a narrow chance; to miss an opportunity |
人马臂 rén mǎ bì | Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy) |
人馬臂 rén mǎ bì | Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy) |
力臂 lì bì | lever arm (i.e. perpendicular distance from the fulcrum to the line of force) |
助一臂之力 zhù yī bì zhī lì | to lend a helping hand (idiom) |
唱臂 chàng bì | tone-arm (tracking arm of gramophone) |
如臂使指 rú bì shǐ zhǐ | as the arm moves the finger (idiom); freely and effortlessly; to have perfect command of |
懸臂 xuán bì | cantilever |
抱臂 bào bì | to cross one's arms |
捋臂揎拳 luō bì xuān quán | lit. to push up one's sleeves and bare one's fists; to be eager to get started |