HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1861st character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.5) |
INDEX # | 1085 |
scold; laughing sound; yawn
呵 ā |
呵 hē |

呵呵 hē hē | (onom.) gentle laughter; chuckle |
呵护 hē hù | to bless; to cherish; to take good care of; to conserve |
一气呵成 yī qì hē chéng | to do something at one go; to flow smoothly |
呵欠 hē qiàn | yawn |
呵斥 hē chì | to berate; to excoriate; to chide; also written 喝斥[he1 chi4] |
乐呵呵 lè hē hē | happily; giddily |
一氣呵成 yī qì hē chéng | to do something at one go; to flow smoothly |
叱呵 chì hē | to shout angrily; to yell |
呵叱 hē chì | variant of 呵斥[he1 chi4] |
呵喝 hē hè | to shout loudly; to bellow; to berate |
呵禁 hē jìn | to berate; to shout loudly |
呵谴 hē qiǎn | to reprimand |
呵譴 hē qiǎn | to reprimand |
呵護 hē hù | to bless; to cherish; to take good care of; to conserve |
呵责 hē zé | to abuse; to berate |
呵責 hē zé | to abuse; to berate |
打呵欠 dǎ hē qiàn | to yawn |
樂呵呵 lè hē hē | happily; giddily |
谴呵 qiǎn hē | variant of 譴訶|谴诃[qian3 he1] |
譴呵 qiǎn hē | variant of 譴訶|谴诃[qian3 he1] |
呵气 hē qì | to breathe out; to exhale |