HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2053rd character |
RADICAL | ⽂ (67.8) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2505 |
mottled, striped, freckle
- mottled, striped, freckle
- spot
- colored patch
- stripe
- spotted
- striped
- variegated

斑点 bān diǎn | spot; stain; speckle |
斑马 bān mǎ | zebra; CL:匹[pi3] |
斑斑 bān bān | full of stains or spots |
雀斑 què bān | freckles |
耀斑 yào bān | solar flare |
黑斑 hēi bān | dark spot or blotch on the skin |
斑纹 bān wén | stripe; streak |
斑驳 bān bó | mottled; motley |
斑鸠 bān jiū | turtledove |
斑白 bān bái | grizzled; graying |
一斑 yī bān | lit. one spot (on the leopard); fig. one small item in a big scheme |
斑块 bān kuài | patch; spot; (medicine) plaque |
斑岩 bān yán | porphyry (geology) |
花斑 huā bān | patches; mottling |
光斑 guāng bān | facula (astronomy) |
斑马线 bān mǎ xiàn | crosswalk; zebra crossing |
石斑鱼 shí bān yú | grouper (Portuguese: garoupa); also called 鮨; Epinephelinae (subfamily of Serranidae, fish family including grouper) |
锈斑 xiù bān | rust spot; blemish (on plants) |
黄斑 huáng bān | macula lutea (anatomy, central area of retina); yellow spot |
黄褐斑 huáng hè bān | chloasma; melasma |
斑斓 bān lán | gorgeous; brightly colored; multi-colored |
斑羚 bān líng | Nemorhaedus goral, a species of antelope found in Xinjiang |
晒斑 shài bān | sunburn spots (on skin) |
白斑病 bái bān bìng | vitiligo |
七带石斑鱼 qī dài shí bān yú | Epinephelus septemfasciatus |