HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1737th character |
RADICAL | ⼾ (63.5) |
INDEX # | 1708 |
flat; tablet, signboard
扁 biǎn |
扁 piān |

扁桃体 biǎn táo tǐ | tonsil |
扁平 biǎn píng | flat; planar |
扁豆 biǎn dòu | hyacinth bean; haricot |
扁桃腺 biǎn táo xiàn | tonsil |
扁舟 piān zhōu | small boat; skiff |
扁担 biǎn dan | carrying pole; shoulder pole; CL:根[gen1] |
陈水扁 chén shuǐ biǎn | Chen Shui-Bian (1950-), Taiwanese DPP 民進黨|民进党 politician, president of the Republic of China 2000-2008 |
倒扁 dǎo biǎn | Taiwan political movement aimed at forcing the resignation of President Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁|陈水扁[Chen2 Shui3 bian3] in 2006 over corruption allegations |
压扁 yā biǎn | to squash; to crush flat |
壓扁 yā biǎn | to squash; to crush flat |
小扁豆 xiǎo biǎn dòu | lentil |
干扁豆角 gān biǎn dòu jiǎo | green beans in sauce, popular Beijing dish |
扁嘴海雀 biǎn zuǐ hǎi què | (bird species of China) ancient murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus) |
扁圆 biǎn yuán | oblate |
扁圓 biǎn yuán | oblate |
扁坯 biǎn pī | slab |
扁形动物 piān xíng dòng wù | flatworm; phylum of Platyhelminthes |
扁形動物 piān xíng dòng wù | flatworm; phylum of Platyhelminthes |
扁形动物门 piān xíng dòng wù mén | flatworm; phylum of Platyhelminthes |
扁形動物門 piān xíng dòng wù mén | flatworm; phylum of Platyhelminthes |
扁擔 biǎn dan | carrying pole; shoulder pole; CL:根[gen1] |
扁担星 biǎn dan xīng | Altair and its two adjacent stars |
扁擔星 biǎn dan xīng | Altair and its two adjacent stars |
扁桃 biǎn táo | almond tree; almond; flat peach |
扁桃腺炎 biǎn táo xiàn yán | tonsillitis |