HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1590th character |
RADICAL | ⾜ (157.5) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2630 |
stumble, slip, fall down; stamp
跌 diē |

跌倒 diē dǎo | to tumble; to fall; fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business) |
跌落 diē luò | to fall; to drop |
下跌 xià diē | to fall; to tumble |
跌跌撞撞 diē die zhuàng zhuàng | to stagger along |
跌进 diē jìn | to fall into; to dip below a certain level |
暴跌 bào diē | (economics) to slump; steep fall (in value etc) |
狂跌 kuáng diē | crazy fall (in prices) |
大跌 dà diē | large fall |
跌价 diē jià | to fall in price |
跌破 diē pò | (of a market index etc) to fall below (a given level); to be injured or damaged as a result of a fall |
猛跌 měng diē | drop sharply (e.g. stock prices) |
跌跤 diē jiāo | to fall down; to take a fall |
涨跌 zhǎng diē | rise or fall in price |
回跌 huí diē | to fall back (of water level or share prices) |
大跌市 dà diē shì | great market fall; market crash |
大跌眼镜 dà diē yǎn jìng | (fig.) to be astounded |
大跌眼鏡 dà diē yǎn jìng | (fig.) to be astounded |
摔跌 shuāi diē | to take a fall |
扑跌 pū diē | to fall flat on one's face; (martial arts) pouncing and falling (i.e. all kinds of moves) |
撲跌 pū diē | to fall flat on one's face; (martial arts) pouncing and falling (i.e. all kinds of moves) |
漲跌 zhǎng diē | rise or fall in price |
涨跌幅限制 zhǎng diē fú xiàn zhì | limit up, limit down; limit on daily price variation |
漲跌幅限制 zhǎng diē fú xiàn zhì | limit up, limit down; limit on daily price variation |
续跌 xù diē | to continue to fall (of share prices) |
續跌 xù diē | to continue to fall (of share prices) |