HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1142nd character |
RADICAL | ⽫ (108.7) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2247 |
abundant, flourishing; contain; fill
盛 shèng |
盛 chéng |

丰盛 fēng shèng | rich; sumptuous |
盛开 shèng kāi | blooming; in full flower |
盛行 shèng xíng | to be in vogue; to be prevalent |
盛情 shèng qíng | great kindness; magnificent hospitality |
茂盛 mào shèng | lush |
盛产 shèng chǎn | to produce in abundance; to be rich in |
昌盛 chāng shèng | prosperous |
华盛顿 huá shèng dùn | Washington (name); George Washington (1732-1799), first US president; Washington, US State; Washington, D.C. (US federal capital) |
盛大 shèng dà | grand; majestic; magnificent; Shanda Entertainment (PRC computer game company) |
盛宴 shèng yàn | feast |
旺盛 wàng shèng | vigorous; exuberant |
盛装 chéng zhuāng | (of a receptacle etc) to contain |
盛装 shèng zhuāng | splendid clothes; rich attire; one's Sunday best |
盛会 shèng huì | pageant; distinguished meeting |
华盛顿州 huá shèng dùn zhōu | Washington, US State |
盛名 shèng míng | famous reputation |
盛事 shèng shì | grand occasion |
盛典 shèng diǎn | majestic pomp; grand ceremony |
鼎盛 dǐng shèng | flourishing; at its peak; a golden age |
全盛 quán shèng | flourishing; at the peak; in full bloom |
盛世 shèng shì | a flourishing period; period of prosperity; a golden age |
盛夏 shèng xià | midsummer; the height of summer |
盛怒 shèng nù | rage; a raging temper |
兴盛 xīng shèng | to flourish; to thrive |
盛气凌人 shèng qì líng rén | overbearing; arrogant bully |