HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1625th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.3) |
INDEX # | 357 |
knock, strike, rap, tap; button
- knock, strike, rap, tap
- button
- to fasten
- to button
- button
- buckle
- knot
- to arrest
- to confiscate
- to deduct (money)
- discount
- to knock
- to smash, spike or dunk (a ball)
- to cover (with a bowl etc)
- (fig.) to tag a label on sb
- (Tw) (loanword) code

纽扣儿 niǔ kòu r | button |
纽扣 niǔ kòu | button |
扣押 kòu yā | to detain; to hold in custody; to distrain; to seize property |
扣子 kòu zi | button |
扣留 kòu liú | to detain; to arrest; to hold; to confiscate |
折扣 zhé kòu | discount |
不折不扣 bù zhé bù kòu | a hundred percent; to the letter; out-and-out |
扣除 kòu chú | to deduct |
扣篮 kòu lán | slam dunk |
回扣 huí kòu | brokerage; a commission paid to a middleman; euphemism for a bribe; a kickback |
钮扣 niǔ kòu | variant of 紐扣|纽扣[niu3 kou4] |
打折扣 dǎ zhé kòu | to give a discount; to be of less value than anticipated |
扣人心弦 kòu rén xīn xián | to excite; to thrill; exciting; thrilling; cliff-hanging |
克扣 kè kòu | to dock; to deduct; to embezzle |
扣杀 kòu shā | to smash a ball; to spike |
扣球 kòu qiú | to smash a ball; to spike |
环环相扣 huán huán xiāng kòu | closely linked with one another; interlocked; to interrelate |
扣帽子 kòu mào zi | to tag sb with unfair label; power word |
衣扣 yī kòu | button |
扣压 kòu yā | to withhold; to hold sth back (and prevent it being known) |
抵扣 dǐ kòu | to deduct from; to compensate |
查扣 chá kòu | to seize; to confiscate |
QR扣 q r kòu | (Tw) (loanword) QR code |
代扣 dài kòu | to withhold tax (from employee's salary) |
刷扣 shuā kòu | to strum a chord (Tw) |