HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1168th character |
RADICAL | ⼀ (1.1) |
INDEX # | 5 |
male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem
丁 dīng |

马丁 mǎ dīng | Martin (name) |
拉丁 lā dīng | Latin; (in former times) to press-gang; to kidnap and force people into service |
布丁 bù dīng | pudding (loanword) |
园丁 yuán dīng | gardener |
拉丁语 lā dīng yǔ | Latin (language) |
拉丁文 lā dīng wén | Latin (language) |
拉丁美洲 lā dīng měi zhōu | Latin America |
拉丁舞 lā dīng wǔ | Latin dance |
奥斯丁 ào sī dīng | Austin or Austen (name); Austin, Texas; also written 奧斯汀 |
爱丁堡 ài dīng bǎo | Edinburgh, capital of Scotland |
尼古丁 ní gǔ dīng | nicotine (loanword) |
诺丁汉 nuò dīng hàn | Nottingham (city in England) |
沙丁鱼 shā dīng yú | sardine (loanword) |
补丁 bǔ ding | patch (for mending clothes, tires etc); (software) patch |
丁香 dīng xiāng | lilac (Syringia vulgaris); clove (Eugenia aromatica) |
杜冷丁 dù lěng dīng | (medicine) dolantin (loanword); pethidine |
丁丁 dīng dīng | Tintin, cartoon character |
丁丁 zhēng zhēng | sound of chopping wood, chess pieces hitting the board etc |
奥丁 ào dīng | Odin (god in Norse mythology) |
君士坦丁堡 jūn shì tǎn dīng bǎo | Constantinople, capital of Byzantium |
丁烷 dīng wán | butane |
壮丁 zhuàng dīng | able-bodied man (capable of fighting in a war) |
紫丁香 zǐ dīng xiāng | lilac |
马丁尼 mǎ dīng ní | martini (loanword) |
冷不丁 lěng bu dīng | suddenly; by surprise |