HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2001st character |
RADICAL | ⾙ (154.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1924 |
thief, traitor; kill
- thief, traitor
- kill
- thief
- traitor
- wily
- deceitful
- evil
- extremely

盗贼 dào zéi | robber |
窃贼 qiè zéi | thief |
乌贼 wū zéi | cuttlefish |
飞贼 fēi zéi | cat burglar; burglar who gains entrance by scaling walls; intruding enemy airman; air marauder |
卖国贼 mài guó zéi | traitor |
贼船 zéi chuán | pirate ship; fig. venture of dubious merit; criminal gang; reactionary faction |
马贼 mǎ zéi | horse thief; (old) group of horse-mounted bandits |
贼心 zéi xīn | evil intentions |
贼窝 zéi wō | thieves' lair |
国贼 guó zéi | traitor to the nation |
贼头贼脑 zéi tóu zéi nǎo | lit. to behave like a thief; furtive; underhand |
叛贼 pàn zéi | renegade; traitor |
枪乌贼 qiāng wū zéi | squid |
贼亮 zéi liàng | bright; shiny; dazzling; glaring |
奸贼 jiān zéi | a traitor; a treacherous bandit |
贼眼 zéi yǎn | shifty gaze; furtive glance |
上贼船 shàng zéi chuán | lit. to board a pirate ship (idiom); fig. to associate with criminals |
中贼鸥 zhōng zéi ōu | (bird species of China) pomarine skua (Stercorarius pomarinus) |
乱臣贼子 luàn chén zéi zǐ | rebels and traitors (idiom); general term for scoundrel |
作贼 zuò zéi | to be a thief |
做贼心虚 zuò zéi xīn xū | to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have sth on one's conscience |
胜者王侯败者贼 shèng zhě wáng hóu bài zhě zéi | see 勝者王侯敗者寇|胜者王侯败者寇[sheng4 zhe3 wang2 hou2 bai4 zhe3 kou4] |
对着和尚骂贼秃 duì zhe hé shang mà zéi tū | lit. to curse a baldhead to a monk's face (idiom); fig. to scold sb indirectly; to criticize obliquely |
山贼 shān zéi | brigand |
惯贼 guàn zéi | habitual thief |