HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 764th character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.9) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2234 |
assist; supplement; assistant
副 fù |

名副其实 míng fù qí shí | not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom) |
副作用 fù zuò yòng | side effect |
副本 fù běn | copy; duplicate; transcript; (in online games) instance |
全副 quán fù | completely |
副手 fù shǒu | assistant |
副官 fù guān | aide-de-camp |
副业 fù yè | sideline; side occupation |
副产品 fù chǎn pǐn | by-product |
副翼 fù yì | aileron (aeronautics) |
大副 dà fù | substantially; by a big amount |
名不副实 míng bù fù shí | the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact; Reality does not live up to the name.; Excellent theory, but the practice does not bear it out. |
副食品 fù shí pǐn | non-staple foods; (Tw) solids (food for infants other than breast milk and formula) |
副标题 fù biāo tí | subheading; subtitle |
副词 fù cí | adverb |
副教授 fù jiào shòu | associate professor (university post) |
二副 èr fù | second officer (of ship); second mate |
副刊 fù kān | supplement |
副食 fù shí | non-staple food; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
全副武装 quán fù wǔ zhuāng | fully armed; armed to the teeth; fig. fully equipped |
全副武裝 quán fù wǔ zhuāng | fully armed; armed to the teeth; fig. fully equipped |
全副精力 quán fù jīng lì | to concentrate entirely on sth; fully engaged; with full force |
副主任 fù zhǔ rèn | deputy director; assistant head |
副主席 fù zhǔ xí | vice-chairperson |
副伤寒 fù shāng hán | paratyphoid fever |
副傷寒 fù shāng hán | paratyphoid fever |