HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2465th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2836 |
fall in ruins, collapse
塌 tā |

一塌糊涂 yī tā hú tu | muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition; complete shambles; a total mess |
倒塌 dǎo tā | to collapse (of building); to topple over |
坍塌 tān tā | to collapse |
崩塌 bēng tā | talus slide; to crumble (of scree slope); to collapse; landslide |
塌陷 tā xiàn | to subside; to sink; to cave in |
塌方 tā fāng | to cave in; to collapse; landslide |
塌实 tā shi | variant of 踏實|踏实[ta1 shi5] |
一塌糊塗 yī tā hú tu | muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition; complete shambles; a total mess |
垮塌 kuǎ tā | to collapse (of building, dam or bridge) |
塌下 tā xià | to collapse |
塌實 tā shi | variant of 踏實|踏实[ta1 shi5] |
塌架 tā jià | to collapse; to come to grief |
塌棵菜 tā kē cài | Brassica narinosa (broadbeaked mustard); Chinese flat cabbage |
塌台 tā tái | to collapse |
塌臺 tā tái | to collapse |
死心塌地 sǐ xīn tā dì | to be hell-bent on; dead set on sth; unswerving |
冲塌 chōng tā | to cause (a dam) to collapse |
沖塌 chōng tā | to cause (a dam) to collapse |
乌塌菜 wū tā cài | rosette bok choy (Brassica rapa var. rosularis) |
烏塌菜 wū tā cài | rosette bok choy (Brassica rapa var. rosularis) |
疲塌 pí ta | variant of 疲沓[pi2 ta5] |
蹧塌 zāo tà | variant of 糟蹋[zao1 ta4] |
颓塌 tuí tā | to collapse |
頹塌 tuí tā | to collapse |
塌房 tā fáng | to collapse (of a building) |