HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1789th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2167 |
win, victory, triumph
捷 jié |

敏捷 mǐn jié | nimble; quick; shrewd |
捷径 jié jìng | shortcut |
捷克 jié kè | Czech; Czech Republic (from 1993); Czechia |
快捷 kuài jié | quick; fast; nimble; agile; (computer) shortcut |
保时捷 bǎo shí jié | Porsche (car company) |
捷足先登 jié zú xiān dēng | the quick-footed climb up first (idiom); the early bird catches the worm; first come, first served |
便捷 biàn jié | convenient and fast |
捷克斯洛伐克 jié kè sī luò fá kè | Republic of Czechoslovakia (1918-1992) |
捷克人 jié kè rén | Czech person |
迅捷 xùn jié | fast and nimble |
快捷键 kuài jié jiàn | (computer) shortcut key; hotkey |
捷克共和国 jié kè gòng hé guó | Czech Republic |
斯捷潘 sī jié pān | Stepan or Stefan (name) |
告捷 gào jié | to win; to be victorious; to report a victory |
捷豹 jié bào | Jaguar (car brand) |
捷达 jié dá | Jetta (car produced by Volkswagen) |
叶卡捷琳娜 yè kǎ jié lín nà | Yekaterina or Ekaterina (name); Catherine the Great or Catherine the Second (1684-1727), Empress of Russia |
门捷列夫 mén jié liè fū | Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), Russian chemist who introduced the periodic table |
捷报 jié bào | report of success; report of a victory |
捷报频传 jié bào pín chuán | victory reports pour in (idiom); news of success in an endless stream |
直捷 zhí jié | straightforward |
矫捷 jiǎo jié | vigorous and nimble; athletic |
便捷化 biàn jié huà | to facilitate; expedite; make convenient and fast; speed up |
保時捷 bǎo shí jié | Porsche (car company) |
别赫捷列夫 bié hè jié liè fū | Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), Russian neurologist and psychiatrist |