HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1597th character |
RADICAL | ⽝ (94.6) |
INDEX # | 1605 |
prison, jail; case; lawsuit
- prison, jail
- case
- lawsuit
- prison

监狱 jiān yù | prison |
地狱 dì yù | hell; infernal; underworld |
出狱 chū yù | to be released from prison |
越狱 yuè yù | to break out of prison; to jailbreak (an iOS device etc) |
入狱 rù yù | to go to jail; to be sent to prison |
牢狱 láo yù | prison |
炼狱 liàn yù | purgatory |
人间地狱 rén jiān dì yù | hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive; fig. having an uncomfortable time |
狱卒 yù zú | jailer (old) |
锒铛入狱 láng dāng rù yù | lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom); fig. to be put behind bars; to get jailed |
越狱犯 yuè yù fàn | escaped prisoner |
劫狱 jié yù | to break into jail; to forcibly release prisoners |
冤狱 yuān yù | unjust charge or verdict; miscarriage of justice; frame-up |
下狱 xià yù | to imprison |
典狱长 diǎn yù zhǎng | warden |
大狱 dà yù | jail; prison |
文字狱 wén zì yù | literary inquisition; official persecution of intellectuals for their writing |
断狱 duàn yù | to pass judgment on a legal case |
浮动地狱 fú dòng dì yù | floating hell; slave ships |
牢狱之灾 láo yù zhī zāi | imprisonment |
狱吏 yù lì | prison guard; jailer (old) |
画地为狱 huà dì wéi yù | see 畫地為牢|画地为牢[hua4 di4 wei2 lao2] |
疑狱 yí yù | a hard legal case to judge |
秦城监狱 qín chéng jiān yù | Qincheng Prison, maximum-security prison located about 30 km north of central Beijing, whose inmates include former high-level officials convicted of corruption |
诏狱 zhào yù | imperial prison |