
shiver, tremble; trembling

HSK 6 #1900


颤 chàn
  • to tremble
  • to shiver
  • to shake
  • to vibrate
  • Taiwan pr. [zhan4]



抖 chàn dǒu to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to tremble
动 chàn dòng to tremble
栗 zhàn lì variant of 戰慄|战栗[zhan4 li4]
dǎ zhàn to shiver; to tremble
zhèn chàn to tremble; to quiver
音 chàn yīn vibrato (of stringed instrument); trill (in phonetics)
心惊胆 xīn jīng dǎn chàn see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4]
lěng zhan variant of 冷戰|冷战[leng3 zhan5]
心房动 xīn fáng chàn dòng atrial fibrillation
fáng chàn atrial fibrillation (abbr. for 心房顫動|心房颤动[xin1 fang2 chan4 dong4])
fā chàn to shiver
心惊 dǎn chàn xīn jīng panic-stricken
胆惊心 dǎn jīng xīn chàn see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4]
舌尖音 shé jiān chàn yīn alveolar trill (e.g. Russian r sound)
琴 diàn chàn qín vibraphone (music)
素 zhèn chàn sù tremorine (drug inducing shivering)
麻痹 zhèn chàn má bì palsy; trembling paralysis; used for Parkinson's disease 帕金森病[Pa4 jin1 sen1 bing4]
巍 chàn wēi see 顫巍巍|颤巍巍[chan4 wei1 wei1]
巍巍 chàn wēi wēi trembling; swaying; flickering; tottering; faltering
抖不已 chàn dǒu bù yǐ to shake like a leaf (idiom)
声 chàn shēng trill (of voice); see also 顫聲|颤声[zhan4 sheng1]
声 zhàn shēng trembling voice; see also 顫聲|颤声[chan4 sheng1]
惊心胆 jīng xīn dǎn chàn frightening; frightened (idiom)
jīng chàn to quake in fear
yī chàn a tremble; a sudden and brief shaking or shivering movement
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