HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1707th character |
RADICAL | ⾔ (149.7) |
INDEX # | 1715 |
persuade, entice, induce; guide
- persuade, entice, induce
- guide
- to entice
- to tempt

诱惑 yòu huò | to entice; to lure; to induce; to attract |
引诱 yǐn yòu | to coerce (sb into doing sth bad); to lure (into a trap); to seduce |
诱饵 yòu ěr | bait |
诱人 yòu rén | attractive; alluring; captivating; to attract; to captivate |
诱拐 yòu guǎi | to abduct; to kidnap |
诱导 yòu dǎo | to induce; to encourage; to provide guidance; (medicine, chemistry) induction |
诱骗 yòu piàn | to entice; to lure; to scam; to hoodwink; to decoy |
诱捕 yòu bǔ | to lure into a trap; to trap; to capture |
诱发 yòu fā | to induce; to cause; to elicit; to trigger |
诱因 yòu yīn | cause; triggering factor; incentive; inducement |
诱使 yòu shǐ | to lure into; to entrap; to trick into; to entice; to induce; to invite; to tempt |
诱奸 yòu jiān | to seduce (into sex) |
利诱 lì yòu | to use gain as a lure |
循循善诱 xún xún shàn yòu | to guide patiently and systematically (idiom) |
劝诱 quàn yòu | to prevail upon; to coax |
诱拐者 yòu guǎi zhě | abductor |
哄诱 hǒng yòu | to coax; to induce |
威逼利诱 wēi bī lì yòu | to make threats and promises |
招诱 zhāo yòu | to invite; to recruit; to attract; to entice |
色诱 sè yòu | to seduce; to lead into sex |
诱动 yòu dòng | to tempt; to seduce |
诱导分娩 yòu dǎo fēn miǎn | to induce labor (i.e. childbirth); labor induction |
诱掖 yòu yè | to help and encourage |
诱变剂 yòu biàn jì | mutagen |
诱陷 yòu xiàn | to lure into a trap |