
debt, loan, liabilities

HSK 6 #1223


  • debt, loan, liabilities
  • debt
  • CL:筆|笔[bi3]


债 stroke order diagram
债 stroke order animation


券 zhài quàn bond; debenture
务 zhài wù debt; liability; amount due; indebtedness
huán zhài to settle a debt
xuè zhài debt of blood (after killing sb)
qiàn zhài to owe a debt; the sum owed
fù zhài to be in debt; to incur debts; liability (finance)
主 zhài zhǔ creditor
累累 fù zhài lěi lěi deep in debt
tǎo zhài to demand repayment
fàng zhài to lend money (for interest); to give credit
gōng zhài government bond
款 zhài kuǎn debt
人情 rén qíng zhài debt of gratitude
权人 zhài quán rén creditor
台高筑 zhài tái gāo zhù lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom); heavily in debt
权 zhài quán creditor's rights (law)
dǐ zhài to repay a debt in kind or by labor
jiè zhài to borrow money
务人 zhài wù rén debtor
cháng zhài to repay a debt
guó zhài national debt; government debt
wài zhài foreign debt
duǒ zhài to dodge a creditor
bī zhài to press for payment of debts; to dun
三角 sān jiǎo zhài triangular debt
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