
large waves

HSK 6 #2054


涛 tāo
  • big wave
  • Taiwan pr. [tao2]



bō tāo great waves; billows
làng tāo ocean wave; billows
骇浪 jīng tāo hài làng perilous situation
jīng tāo raging waves; stormy waves
shì tāo stout (beer) (loanword)
汹涌 bō tāo xiōng yǒng waves surging forth; roaring sea
磷磷 bō tāo lín lín variant of 波濤粼粼|波涛粼粼[bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2]
粼粼 bō tāo lín lín crystalline waves (idiom)
shí tāo Shi Tao (1642-1707), Chinese landscape painter and poet
胡锦 hú jǐn tāo Hu Jintao (1942-), General Secretary of the CCP 2002-2012, president of the PRC 2003-2013
tāng tāo Tang Tao (a personal name); the name of an individual
hǎi tāo sea waves; large waves in the sea
wáng tāo a personal name, Wang Tao
yuán tāo a personal name; Yuan Tao, typically a person's name
儿 tāo ér a term of endearment; used as a suffix to a name to show affection or familiarity
wáng táo a Chinese name; in this context, refers to the character in the sentence
sūn tāo a personal name; in this context, it refers to a character named Sun Tao
城孙 chéng sūn tāo a name 'Cheng Suntao'
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