HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2271st character |
RADICAL | ⼜ (29.11) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 3043 |
pile; be piled up; fold up
- pile
- be piled up
- fold up
- variant of 疊|叠[die2]
- to fold
- to fold over in layers
- to furl
- to layer
- to pile up
- to repeat
- to duplicate

重叠 chóng dié | to overlap; to superimpose; to telescope; to run together; to duplicate; one over another; superposition; an overlap; redundancy; reduplication (in Chinese grammar, e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll) |
折叠 zhé dié | to fold; collapsible; folding (bicycle, antenna, bed etc) |
叠罗汉 dié luó hàn | human pyramid |
叠加 dié jiā | superposition; layering; overlay |
折叠椅 zhé dié yǐ | folding chair; deck chair |
层叠 céng dié | layer upon layer; tiered |
肠套叠 cháng tào dié | intussusception (medicine) |
层峦叠嶂 céng luán dié zhàng | range upon range of mountains (idiom) |
三叠纪 sān dié jì | Triassic (geological period 250-205m years ago) |
二叠纪 èr dié jì | Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago) |
假词叠词 jiǎ cí dié cí | pseudo-affixation |
动词重叠 dòng cí chóng dié | verb reduplication |
堆叠 duī dié | to pile up; to put layer upon layer; (Tw) (computing) stack |
套叠 tào dié | overlapping; nesting; to interleave |
山峦重叠 shān luán chóng dié | overlapping ranges of high mountains (idiom) |
态叠加 tài dié jiā | superposition of states (quantum mechanics) |
折叠式 zhé dié shì | folding (i.e. portable) |
叠层 dié céng | repeated layers; stratified; laminated; stacked; piled strata |
叠层岩 dié céng yán | stromatolite |
叠层石 dié céng shí | stromatolite |
叠彩 dié cǎi | Diecai district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi |
叠彩区 dié cǎi qū | Diecai district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi |
叠纸 dié zhǐ | to fold paper; origami |
叠音钹 dié yīn bó | ride cymbal (drum kit component) |
积叠 jī dié | to pile up layer upon layer |