
spin, reel, weave; reeled pongee

HSK 6 #2409


  • spin, reel, weave
  • reeled pongee
  • to spin (cotton or hemp etc)
  • fine woven silk fabric



织 fǎng zhī spinning and weaving
织品 fǎng zhī pǐn textile; fabrics
织厂 fǎng zhī chǎng textile factory; cotton mill
hùn fǎng mixed fabric; blended fabric
锤 fǎng chuí spindle
纱 fǎng shā to spin (cotton, wool etc); spinning
织娘 fǎng zhī niáng katydid; long-horned grasshopper
车 fǎng chē spinning wheel
丝 fǎng sī to spin synthetic fiber; to spin silk; spinning; filature
织工业 fǎng zhī gōng yè textile industry
织物 fǎng zhī wù textile material
织者 fǎng zhī zhě weaver
轮 fǎng lún spinning wheel
xuě fǎng chiffon (loanword)
织业 fǎng zhī yè textile industry; the sector of industry involved in the design, production, and distribution of yarn, cloth, and clothing
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