
deceive, lie; eyes half-closed

HSK 6 #2405


  • deceive, lie
  • eyes half-closed
  • to conceal from
  • to keep (sb) in the dark


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yǐn mán to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to cover up the truth
qī mán to fool; to hoodwink; to dupe
天过海 mán tiān guò hǎi to cross the sea by a trick (idiom); to achieve one's aim by underhanded means
报 mán bào to conceal or deceive in a report; to falsify by over- or underreporting
骗 mán piàn to deceive; to conceal
hǒng mán to deceive
实不相 shí bù xiāng mán truth to tell; to be quite honest...
上欺下 mán shàng qī xià to deceive one's superiors and bully one's subordinates (idiom)
哄 mán hǒng to deceive; to cheat (sb)
天大谎 mán tiān dà huǎng enormous lie; whopper
心昧己 mán xīn mèi jǐ to blot out one's conscience
sōu mán name of a state and its people in Shangdong in late Spring and Autumn period
不报 yǐn mán bù bào to cover up (a matter that should be reported to the authorities)
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