HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2368th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.6) |
INDEX # | 1484 |
dumb, mute; become hoarse
哑 yǎ |
哑 yā |

聋哑 lóng yǎ | deaf and dumb |
哑巴 yǎ ba | mute; muted; a dumb person; to be dumb |
哑剧 yǎ jù | to mime; a dumb show |
沙哑 shā yǎ | hoarse; rough |
哑铃 yǎ líng | dumbbell (weight) |
哑谜 yǎ mí | puzzle; mystery |
装聋作哑 zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ | to play deaf-mute |
嘶哑 sī yǎ | (onom.) coarse crowing; hoarse; husky |
哑语 yǎ yǔ | sign language |
吃哑巴亏 chī yǎ ba kuī | to be forced to suffer in silence; unable to speak of one's bitter suffering |
哑然失笑 yǎ rán shī xiào | to laugh involuntarily; Taiwan pr. [e4 ran2 shi1 xiao4] |
哑光 yǎ guāng | matte; non-glossy |
哑口 yǎ kǒu | as if dumb; speechless |
哑口无言 yǎ kǒu wú yán | dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words |
哑子 yǎ zi | mute person; dumb person; (more commonly called 啞巴|哑巴[ya3 ba5]) |
哑巴吃黄莲 yǎ ba chī huáng lián | no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom); also written 啞巴吃黃連|哑巴吃黄连; (often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1]) |
哑巴吃黄连 yǎ ba chī huáng lián | no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom); also written 啞巴吃黃蓮|哑巴吃黄莲; (often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1]) |
哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出 yǎ ba chī huáng lián , yǒu kǔ shuō bu chū | to be forced to suffer in silence (idiom); unable to speak of one's bitter suffering; sometimes written 啞子吃黃連,有苦說不出|哑子吃黄连,有苦说不出 |
哑巴亏 yǎ ba kuī | pent-up unspoken grievances; suffering not willingly or possibly spoken of |
哑然无生 yǎ rán wú shēng | silence reigns (idiom) |
哑终端 yǎ zhōng duān | dumb terminal |
哑点 yǎ diǎn | blind spot; dead spot |
哑鼓 yǎ gǔ | drum practice pad (music); a practice drum (music) |
喑哑 yīn yǎ | hoarse; raspy |
嘶哑声 sī yǎ shēng | hoarse |