
lay down; retire from office

HSK 6 #2479


  • lay down
  • retire from office
  • to unload
  • to unhitch
  • to remove or strip
  • to get rid of


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zhuāng xiè to load or unload; to transfer; to assemble and disassemble
下 xiè xià to unload
货 xiè huò to unload; to discharge cargo
tuī xiè to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck
chāi xiè to unload; to dismantle
任 xiè rèn to leave office
妆 xiè zhuāng to remove makeup; (old) to take off formal dress and ornaments
职 xiè zhí to resign from office; to dismiss from office
工 zhuāng xiè gōng docker; longshoreman
装 xiè zhuāng (of an actor) to remove makeup and costume; (computing) to uninstall; to unmount
jiāo xiè to hand over to a successor; to relinquish one's office
倒戈甲 dǎo gē xiè jiǎ to lay down arms
qīng xiè to tip; to dump by tipping from a vehicle
qīng xiè to tip; to dump by tipping from a vehicle
套 xiè tào to loosen a yoke; to remove harness (from beast of burden)
妝 xiè zhuāng to remove makeup; (old) to take off formal dress and ornaments
扣 xiè kòu shackle (U-shaped link)
磨杀驴 xiè mò shā lǘ lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom); to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful
磨殺驢 xiè mò shā lǘ lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom); to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful
職 xiè zhí to resign from office; to dismiss from office
肩儿 xiè jiān r lit. a weight off one's shoulders; fig. to resign a post; to lay down a burden; to be relieved of a job
肩兒 xiè jiān r lit. a weight off one's shoulders; fig. to resign a post; to lay down a burden; to be relieved of a job
裝 xiè zhuāng (of an actor) to remove makeup and costume; (computing) to uninstall; to unmount
貨 xiè huò to unload; to discharge cargo
载 xiè zài to disembark; to off-load cargo; to uninstall (software)
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