HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 727th character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.5) |
INDEX # | 1275 |
lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan
宗 zōng |

宗教 zōng jiào | religion |
宗旨 zōng zhǐ | objective; aim; goal |
正宗 zhèng zōng | orthodox school; fig. traditional; old school; authentic; genuine |
卷宗 juàn zōng | file; folder; dossier |
祖宗 zǔ zōng | ancestor; forebear |
大宗 dà zōng | large amount; staple; influential family of long standing |
禅宗 chán zōng | Zen Buddhism |
宗庙 zōng miào | temple; ancestral shrine |
教宗 jiào zōng | pope |
传宗接代 chuán zōng jiē dài | to carry on one's ancestral line |
宗师 zōng shī | great scholar respected for learning and integrity |
宗派 zōng pài | sect |
宗族 zōng zú | clan; clansman |
高宗 gāo zōng | Gaozong Emperor, Temple name of the tenth Song Emperor Zhao Gou 趙構|赵构[Zhao4 Gou4] (1107-1187 AD), reigned (1127-1162 AD) |
左宗棠 zuǒ zōng táng | Zuo Zongtang (1812-1885), Chinese administrator and military leader |
光宗耀祖 guāng zōng yào zǔ | to bring honor to one's ancestors |
世宗 shì zōng | Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet was invented |
宗派主义 zōng pài zhǔ yì | sectarianism |
万变不离其宗 wàn biàn bù lí qí zōng | many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ça change, plus ça reste la mème chose |
三论宗 sān lùn zōng | Three Treatise School (Buddhism) |
三論宗 sān lùn zōng | Three Treatise School (Buddhism) |
世宗大王 shì zōng dà wáng | Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet was invented |
代宗 dài zōng | Daizong, Temple name of seventh Ming emperor Jingtai 景泰[Jing3 tai4] |
俱舍宗 jù shè zōng | Kusha-shū (Japanese Buddhism school) |
傳宗接代 chuán zōng jiē dài | to carry on one's ancestral line |