HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1317th character |
RADICAL | ⾐ (145.6) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2595 |
split, crack, break open; rend
裂 liè |

分裂 fēn liè | to split up; to divide; to break up; fission; schism |
裂缝 liè fèng | crack; crevice; CL:道[dao4] |
破裂 pò liè | to rupture; to fracture; to break down; (linguistics) plosion |
撕裂 sī liè | to rip apart; to tear; laceration; rent |
裂开 liè kāi | to split open |
裂痕 liè hén | crack; gap; split |
断裂 duàn liè | fracture; rupture; to break apart |
爆裂 bào liè | to rupture; to burst; to explode |
裂口 liè kǒu | breach; split; rift; vent (volcanic crater) |
碎裂 suì liè | to disintegrate; to shatter into small pieces |
决裂 jué liè | to rupture; to burst open; to break; to break off relations with; a rupture |
身败名裂 shēn bài míng liè | to lose one's standing; to have one's reputation swept away; a complete defeat and fall from grace |
裂纹 liè wén | crack; flaw |
裂变 liè biàn | fission |
割裂 gē liè | to cut apart; to sever; to separate; to isolate |
开裂 kāi liè | to split open; to dehisce (of fruit or cotton bolls, to split open) |
崩裂 bēng liè | to rupture; to burst open; to break up |
分裂主义 fēn liè zhǔ yì | separatism |
裂隙 liè xì | gap; slit; crack; crevice; fracture |
干裂 gān liè | (of dry soil, skin etc) to crack; to chap |
裂谷 liè gǔ | rift valley |
腭裂 è liè | cleft palate |
龟裂 jūn liè | to crack; cracked; fissured; creviced; (of skin) chapped |
扯裂 chě liè | rip |
核裂变 hé liè biàn | atomic fission; nuclear fission; fission |