HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2352nd character |
RADICAL | ⼎ (15.8) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2015 |
bitter cold, miserable, dreary
- bitter cold, miserable, dreary
- intense cold
- frigid
- dismal
- grim
- bleak
- sad
- mournful
- also written 淒|凄[qi1]
- variant of 淒|凄[qi1]

凄凉 qī liáng | mournful; miserable; desolate (place) |
凄惨 qī cǎn | plaintive; mournful; miserable |
凄厉 qī lì | mournful (sound) |
凄美 qī měi | poignant; sad and beautiful |
凄苦 qī kǔ | bleak; miserable |
凄清 qī qīng | somber; cheerless |
凄梗 qī gěng | (literary) wailing; choking with sobs |
悲凄 bēi qī | pitiable; sorrowful |
凄哀 qī āi | desolate; mournful |
凄恻 qī cè | heartbroken; sorrowful |
凄怆 qī chuàng | pitiful; painful; heartrending |
凄楚 qī chǔ | sad; wretched; miserable |
凄然 qī rán | distressed |
凄迷 qī mí | pained and bewildered; dreary and fuzzy (sight) |
凄切 qī qiè | mournful |
凄婉 qī wǎn | melancholy; moving and sad; sweet and piteous |
凄寒 qī hán | cold and desolate |
凄惋 qī wǎn | doleful; piteous; also written 淒婉|凄婉[qi1 wan3] |
凄惶 qī huáng | distressed and terrified; distraught (literary) |
凄暗 qī àn | dismal; somber |
凄凄 qī qī | cold and dismal |
凄风苦雨 qī fēng kǔ yǔ | lit. bleak wind and icy rain (idiom); fig. hardships; miserable circumstances |
凄黯 qī àn | dismal; somber; also written 淒暗|凄暗[qi1 an4] |
风雨凄凄 fēng yǔ qī qī | wretched wind and rain |
凄凄惨惨 qī qī cǎn cǎn | miserable and wretched; desolate and sorrowful |