HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 2709th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.5) |
INDEX # | 987 |
stupid, clumsy, crude; convention
拙 zhuō |

笨拙 bèn zhuō | clumsy; awkward; stupid |
拙劣 zhuō liè | clumsy; botched |
弄巧成拙 nòng qiǎo chéng zhuō | to overreach oneself; to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face |
拙作 zhuō zuò | my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.); my humble writing |
拙笨 zhuō bèn | clumsy; awkward; lacking skill |
守拙 shǒu zhuō | to remain honest and poor |
巧诈不如拙诚 qiǎo zhà bù rú zhuō chéng | the unvarnished truth is better than a cunning ruse (idiom); honesty is the best policy |
巧詐不如拙誠 qiǎo zhà bù rú zhuō chéng | the unvarnished truth is better than a cunning ruse (idiom); honesty is the best policy |
弄巧反拙 nòng qiǎo fǎn zhuō | see 弄巧成拙[nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1] |
心拙口夯 xīn zhuō kǒu bèn | variant of 心拙口笨[xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4] |
心拙口笨 xīn zhuō kǒu bèn | dull-witted and tongue-tied |
愚拙 yú zhuō | clumsy and stupid |
拙嘴笨舌 zhuō zuǐ bèn shé | lit. clumsy mouth and broken tongue (idiom); awkward speaker |
拙政园 zhuō zhèng yuán | Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu |
拙政園 zhuō zhèng yuán | Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu |
拙于言词 zhuō yú yán cí | to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom) |
拙於言詞 zhuō yú yán cí | to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom) |
拙朴 zhuō pǔ | austere; humble |
拙樸 zhuō pǔ | austere; humble |
拙涩 zhuō sè | clumsy and incomprehensible; botched writing |
拙澀 zhuō sè | clumsy and incomprehensible; botched writing |
拙直 zhuō zhí | simple and frank |
拙稿 zhuō gǎo | my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.); my humble writing |
拙笔 zhuō bǐ | my clumsy writing (humble expr.); my humble pen |
拙筆 zhuō bǐ | my clumsy writing (humble expr.); my humble pen |