HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1915th character |
RADICAL | ⾢ (163.6) |
INDEX # | 1043 |
sweet smelling, rich in aroma; (Cant.) to move, hit
- sweet smelling, rich in aroma
- (Cant.) to move, hit
- variant of 鬱|郁[yu4]
- surname Yu
- elegant
- old variant of 鬱|郁[yu4]
- dense (growth)
- melancholy

忧郁 yōu yù | sullen; depressed; melancholy; dejected |
郁闷 yù mèn | gloomy; depressed |
抑郁 yì yù | depressed; despondent; gloomy; depression |
抑郁症 yì yù zhèng | clinical depression |
阴郁 yīn yù | gloomy |
郁金香 yù jīn xiāng | tulip |
浓郁 nóng yù | rich; strong; heavy (fragrance); dense; full-bodied; intense |
葱郁 cōng yù | verdant; lush green and full of life |
郁结 yù jié | to suffer from pent-up frustrations; mental knot; emotional issue |
郁郁葱葱 yù yù cōng cōng | verdant and lush (idiom) |
忧郁症 yōu yù zhèng | (psychology) depression |
抑郁不平 yì yù bù píng | in a state of depression (idiom) |
抗忧郁药 kàng yōu yù yào | antidepressant |
抗抑郁药 kàng yì yù yào | antidepressant |
濃郁 nóng yù | rich; strong; heavy (fragrance); dense; full-bodied; intense |
积郁 jī yù | pent-up frustrations; sth that has accumulated in one's mind for a long time |
苍郁 cāng yù | verdant and luxuriant |
血郁 xuè yù | stagnant blood (TCM) |
躁狂抑郁症 zào kuáng yì yù zhèng | manic depression |
躁郁症 zào yù zhèng | bipolar disorder; manic depression |
郁达夫 yù dá fū | Yu Dafu (1896-1945), poet and novelist |
郁達夫 yù dá fū | Yu Dafu (1896-1945), poet and novelist |
馥郁 fù yù | strongly fragrant; heavily scented |
郁卒 yù zú | depressed and frustrated (Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ut-tsut]) |
郁南 yù nán | Yunan county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong |