sweet smelling, rich in aroma; (Cant.) to move, hit

HSK 6 #1915


  • sweet smelling, rich in aroma
  • (Cant.) to move, hit
  • variant of 鬱|郁[yu4]
  • surname Yu
  • elegant
  • old variant of 鬱|郁[yu4]
  • dense (growth)
  • melancholy


郁 stroke order diagram
郁 stroke order animation


南县 yù nán xiàn Yunan county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong
塞 yù sè constricted (feeling); oppressed
江 yù jiāng Yu River
不得志 yù yù bù dé zhì soured by the loss of one's hopes
不乐 yù yù bù lè discontented (idiom)
寡欢 yù yù guǎ huān depressed; cheerless