HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1895th character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.9) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2905 |
stupid, doltish, foolish
- stupid, doltish, foolish
- to be stupid
- to cheat or deceive
- me or I (modest)

愚蠢 yú chǔn | silly; stupid |
愚昧 yú mèi | ignorant; uneducated; ignorance |
愚弄 yú nòng | to make a fool out of; to fool; to dupe |
愚人 yú rén | stupid person; ignoramus |
愚笨 yú bèn | stupid; clumsy |
愚人节 yú rén jié | April Fools' Day |
愚钝 yú dùn | stupid; slow-witted |
愚昧无知 yú mèi wú zhī | stupid and ignorant (idiom) |
愚公移山 yú gōng yí shān | the old man moves mountains (idiom); fig. where there's a will, there's a way |
愚鲁 yú lǔ | dull-witted; foolish |
愚民 yú mín | ignorant masses; to keep the people in ignorance |
先天愚型 xiān tiān yú xíng | Down syndrome; trisomy 21 |
大勇若怯,大智若愚 dà yǒng ruò qiè , dà zhì ruò yú | a great hero may appear timid, the wise may appear stupid (idiom); the general public may not recognize great talent |
大愚 dà yú | idiot; ignorant fool |
大智如愚 dà zhì rú yú | the wise may appear stupid (idiom); a genius not appreciated in his own time |
大智若愚 dà zhì ruò yú | great intelligence may appear to be stupidity (idiom) |
愚不可及 yú bù kě jí | impossibly stupid |
愚人節 yú rén jié | April Fools' Day |
愚妄 yú wàng | stupid and arrogant |
愚孝 yú xiào | unquestioning filial piety |
愚弱 yú ruò | ignorant and feeble |
愚意 yú yì | my humble opinion |
愚懦 yú nuò | ignorant and timid |
愚拙 yú zhuō | clumsy and stupid |
愚昧無知 yú mèi wú zhī | stupid and ignorant (idiom) |