dǒng zhǒng

direct, supervise; surname

HSK 6 #1629


董 dǒng
  • surname Dong
  • to supervise
  • to direct
  • director



gǔ dǒng curio; antique
事长 dǒng shì zhǎng chairman of the board; chairman
事会 dǒng shì huì board of directors
事 dǒng shì board member
gǔ dǒng variant of 古董[gu3 dong3]
不知丁 bù zhī dīng dǒng forgetting the fate of Ding and Dong (idiom); unheeding the lessons of the past
滩 gǔ dǒng tān Gudong desert or Antiques desert at Han dynasty Yangguan pass 陽關|阳关[Yang2 guan1], named after many Han dynasty archaeological discoveries
灘 gǔ dǒng tān Gudong desert or Antiques desert at Han dynasty Yangguan pass 陽關|阳关[Yang2 guan1], named after many Han dynasty archaeological discoveries
联席事 lián xí dǒng shì associate director
聯席事 lián xí dǒng shì associate director
事會 dǒng shì huì board of directors
事長 dǒng shì zhǎng chairman of the board; chairman
仲舒 dǒng zhòng shū Dong Zhongshu (179-104 BC), philosopher influential in establishing Confucianism as the established system of values of former Han dynasty
卓 dǒng zhuó Dong Zhuo (-192), top general of late Han, usurped power in 189, murdered empress dowager and child emperor, killed in 192 by Lü Bu 呂布|吕布
奉 dǒng fèng Dong Feng, doctor during Three Kingdoms period, famous for refusing fees and requesting that his patients plant apricot trees instead
座 dǒng zuò (Tw) chairman (of a board of directors)
建华 dǒng jiàn huá Tung Chee-hwa (1937-), Hong Kong entrepreneur and politician, chief executive 1997-2005
建華 dǒng jiàn huá Tung Chee-hwa (1937-), Hong Kong entrepreneur and politician, chief executive 1997-2005
必武 dǒng bì wǔ Dong Biwu (1886-1975), one of the founders of the Chinese communist party
阳孜 dǒng yáng zī Grace Tong (Tong Yangtze) (1942-), Taiwanese calligrapher
陽孜 dǒng yáng zī Grace Tong (Tong Yangtze) (1942-), Taiwanese calligrapher
鸡 dǒng jī (bird species of China) watercock (Gallicrex cinerea)
雞 dǒng jī (bird species of China) watercock (Gallicrex cinerea)
豫 dǒng yù a person's name (Dong Yu)
汪 dǒng wāng personal name
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