
scar; mark; trace

HSK 6 #1938


痕 hén
  • scar
  • traces


痕 stroke order diagram
痕 stroke order animation


迹 hén jì vestige; mark; trace
shāng hén scar; bruise
bā hén scar
liè hén crack; gap; split
huá hén a scratch
yìn hén molding; printed impression
dàn hén bullet hole; shell hole
kè hén notch
lèi hén tear stains
wū hén blot
bān hén scar
不落迹 bù luò hén jì to leave no trace; seamless; professional
不落跡 bù luò hén jì to leave no trace; seamless; professional
不着迹 bù zhuó hén jì to leave no trace; seamlessly; unobtrusively
不著跡 bù zhuó hén jì to leave no trace; seamlessly; unobtrusively
shāng hén scar; bruise
累累 shāng hén lěi lěi bruised; riddled with scars
累累 shāng hén lěi lěi bruised; riddled with scars
āo hén dent; indentation; notch; pitting
huá hén a scratch
wěn hén hickey; love bite
yǎo hén bite scar
瓦尔德 bù hén wǎ ěr dé Buchenwald
瓦爾德 bù hén wǎ ěr dé Buchenwald
dàn hén bullet hole; shell hole
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