
swell, inflate, expand

HSK 6 #2083


  • swell, inflate, expand
  • dropsical
  • swollen
  • to swell
  • to be bloated



通货膨 tōng huò péng zhàng inflation
péng zhàng to expand; to inflate; to swell
zhǒng zhàng swelling; oedema; internal bruising
头昏脑 tóu hūn nǎo zhàng giddy; one's head spins
tōng zhàng inflation
使膨 shǐ péng zhàng to dilate; to expand
chuī zhàng to blow up; to inflate
恶性通货膨 è xìng tōng huò péng zhàng hyperinflation
zhì zhàng stagflation (i.e. simultaneous inflation and stagnation)
fā zhàng to swell up; swelling
zǐ zhàng to get red and swollen
大 zhàng dà swollen
起 zhàng qǐ bulge
nǎo zhàng lit. brain swelling; dizzy; light-headed; intoxicated
gǔ zhàng see 鼓脹|鼓胀[gu3 zhang4]
率 tōng zhàng lǜ inflation rate
头晕脑 tóu yūn nǎo zhàng dizzy and light-headed
tóu zhàng distention in the head (TCM)
头脑发 tóu nǎo fā zhàng swelling of the head (physical condition); fig. swellheaded; conceited
gǔ zhàng to swell; tympanites
suān zhàng acidic swelling; a sensation of sourness and bloating, often related to digestion or muscle soreness
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