HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1112th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.12) |
STROKES | 15 |
INDEX # | 3290 |
hide; hidden, secret, latent
- hide
- hidden, secret, latent
- hidden
- secret
- latent
- to hide
- to conceal
- to submerge
- to dive

潜力 qián lì | potential; capacity |
潜水 qián shuǐ | to dive; to go under water; (in an online forum) to lurk |
潜移默化 qián yí mò huà | imperceptible influence; to influence secretly |
潜在 qián zài | hidden; potential; latent |
潜艇 qián tǐng | submarine |
潜入 qián rù | to submerge; to infiltrate; to steal into |
潜意识 qián yì shí | unconscious mind; subconscious mind; subconsciousness |
潜质 qián zhì | potential |
潜逃 qián táo | to abscond; to slink off |
潜伏 qián fú | to hide; to cover up; to conceal |
潜水员 qián shuǐ yuán | diver; frogman |
潜能 qián néng | potential; hidden capability |
潜水艇 qián shuǐ tǐng | submarine |
潜台词 qián tái cí | unspoken dialogue in a play, left for the audience to infer; subtext; (fig.) implicit assertion |
潜藏 qián cáng | hidden beneath the surface; buried and concealed |
潜水衣 qián shuǐ yī | diving suit |
潜心 qián xīn | to concentrate fully on sth; single-minded |
潜望镜 qián wàng jìng | periscope |
潜伏期 qián fú qī | incubation period (of disease) |
反潜 fǎn qián | anti-submarine; antisubmarine |
潜泳 qián yǒng | diving; esp. skin diving |
潜热 qián rè | latent heat |
太平洋潜鸟 tài píng yáng qián niǎo | (bird species of China) Pacific loon (Gavia pacifica) |
导弹核潜艇 dǎo dàn hé qián tǐng | nuclear-powered missile submarine |
导弹潜艇 dǎo dàn qián tǐng | (guided) missile submarine |