HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 3352nd character |
RADICAL | ⾐ (145.6) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2463 |
a piece of cloth used wrap bundles
袱 fú |

包袱 bāo fu | wrapping cloth; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden; funny part; punchline |
背包袱 bēi bāo fú | to have a weight on one's mind; to take on a mental burden |
偶像包袱 ǒu xiàng bāo fu | burden of having to maintain one's image as a pop idol |
包袱底儿 bāo fu dǐ r | family heirloom; most precious family possession; person's secrets; one's best performance |
包袱底兒 bāo fu dǐ r | family heirloom; most precious family possession; person's secrets; one's best performance |
包袱皮儿 bāo fu pí r | wrapping cloth |
包袱皮兒 bāo fu pí r | wrapping cloth |
思想包袱 sī xiǎng bāo fu | sth weighing on one's mind |
放下包袱 fàng xia bāo fu | to lay down a heavy burden |
甩包袱 shuǎi bāo fu | lit. to fling off a bundle; fig. to abandon one's responsibility for sth; to wash one's hands of the matter |