ant; leech

HSK 6 #2888


蚂 mǎ
  • ant
蚂 mà
  • grasshopper
蚂 mā
  • dragonfly



蚁 mǎ yǐ ant
蚱 mà zha (dialect) locust; grasshopper
蟥 mǎ huáng leech
一根绳上的蚱 yī gēn shéng shàng de mà zha see 一條繩上的螞蚱|一条绳上的蚂蚱[yi1 tiao2 sheng2 shang4 de5 ma4 zha5]
一条绳上的蚱 yī tiáo shéng shàng de mà zha lit. grasshoppers tied together with a piece of string (idiom); fig. people who are in it together for better or worse; people who will sink or swim together
热锅上的蚁 rè guō shang de mǎ yǐ (like) a cat on a hot tin roof; anxious; agitated
蜂 mǎ fēng variant of 馬蜂|马蜂[ma3 feng1]
螂 mā láng dragonfly
蚁上树 mǎ yǐ shàng shù "ants climbing a tree", a Sichuan dish made with cellophane noodles 粉絲|粉丝[fen3 si1] and ground meat (so called because the particles of meat clinging to the noodles look like ants on the twigs of a tree); (sex position) man standing, woman clinging to his upper body; (erotic massage) full-body licking
蚁腰 mǎ yǐ yāo (coll.) tiny waist
蚁金服 mǎ yǐ jīn fú Ant Financial Services Group, an affiliate company of Alibaba 阿里巴巴[A1 li3 ba1 ba1]
蚁 xiǎo mǎ yǐ little ants; referring to young or small ants within the colony
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