HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 888th character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1909 |
kindness, mercy, charity
- kindness, mercy, charity
- variant of 恩[en1]
- favor
- grace
- kindness

恩怨 ēn yuàn | gratitude and grudges; resentment; grudges; grievances |
感恩节 gǎn ēn jié | Thanksgiving Day |
肖恩 xiāo ēn | Sean, Shaun or Shawn (name) |
布莱恩 bù lái ēn | Brian (name) |
感恩 gǎn ēn | to be grateful |
罗恩 luó ēn | Ron (name) |
伯恩 bó ēn | Bern or Berne, capital of Switzerland (Tw) |
恩惠 ēn huì | favor; grace |
恩赐 ēn cì | favor; to give charity to sb out of pity |
忘恩负义 wàng ēn fù yì | to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend; to kick a benefactor in the teeth |
谢恩 xiè ēn | to thank sb for favor (esp. emperor or superior official) |
恩人 ēn rén | a benefactor; a person who has significantly helped sb else |
麦凯恩 mài kǎi ēn | McCain (name); John McCain (1936-), US Republican politician, Senator for Arizona from 1987 |
吉恩 jí ēn | Gene (name) |
恩爱 ēn ài | loving affection (in a couple); conjugal love |
恩典 ēn diǎn | favor; grace |
斯特恩 sī tè ēn | Stern (name) |
波恩 bō ēn | Bonn, a small town on the Rhine, Cold War capital of West Germany 1949-1990 |
雷恩 léi ēn | Rennes |
凯尼恩 kǎi ní ēn | Kenyon; Canyon (name) |
伯恩斯 bó ēn sī | Burns (name); Nicholas Burns (1956-), US diplomat, Under-secretary at US State Department from 2005 |
科恩 kē ēn | Cohen (name) |
开恩 kāi ēn | to give a favor (used of Christian God) |
卡恩 kǎ ēn | Kahn |
恩情 ēn qíng | kindness; affection; grace; favor |