HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1241st character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.3) |
INDEX # | 191 |
publication, periodical; publish
- publication, periodical
- publish
- to print
- to publish
- publication
- periodical
- to peel with a knife
- to carve
- to amend
- old variant of 刊[kan1]

刊登 kān dēng | to carry a story; to publish (in a newspaper or magazine) |
刊物 kān wù | publication |
周刊 zhōu kān | weekly publication; weekly |
期刊 qī kān | periodical |
报刊 bào kān | newspapers and periodicals; the press |
书刊 shū kān | books and publications |
月刊 yuè kān | monthly magazine |
季刊 jì kān | quarterly publication |
特刊 tè kān | special edition (of magazine) |
校刊 xiào kān | school magazine |
刊印 kān yìn | to set in print; to diffuse; to publish |
增刊 zēng kān | additional publication; supplement (to a newspaper) |
刊载 kān zǎi | to publish |
创刊号 chuàng kān hào | first issue |
创刊 chuàng kān | to start publishing; to found a journal |
刊号 kān hào | issue (of journal); number |
副刊 fù kān | supplement |
不刊之论 bù kān zhī lùn | indisputable statement; unalterable truth |
不刊之論 bù kān zhī lùn | indisputable statement; unalterable truth |
亚洲周刊 yà zhōu zhōu kān | Asiaweek (current affairs magazine) |
亞洲周刊 yà zhōu zhōu kān | Asiaweek (current affairs magazine) |
刊號 kān hào | issue (of journal); number |
刊行 kān xíng | to print and circulate |
刊误 kān wù | to correct printing errors |
刊誤 kān wù | to correct printing errors |