HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1874th character |
RADICAL | ⾙ (154.4) |
INDEX # | 1176 |
be greedy, covet; covetous
- be greedy, covet
- covetous
- to have a voracious desire for
- to covet
- greedy
- corrupt

贪婪 tān lán | avaricious; greedy; rapacious; insatiable; avid |
贪污 tān wū | to be corrupt; corruption; to embezzle |
贪心 tān xīn | greedy |
贪得无厌 tān dé wú yàn | avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied |
贪吃 tān chī | gluttonous; voracious |
贪欲 tān yù | greed; avarice; rapacious; avid |
贪图 tān tú | to covet; to seek (riches, fame) |
贪恋 tān liàn | to cling to; to be reluctant to give up (sth); to have a fondness for (an indulgence etc) |
贪财 tān cái | to be greedy in getting money |
贪生怕死 tān shēng pà sǐ | greedy for life, afraid of death (idiom); craven and cowardly; clinging abjectly to life; only interested in saving one's neck |
贪官 tān guān | corrupt official; grasping functionary; greedy mandarin |
贪赃枉法 tān zāng wǎng fǎ | corruption and abuse of the law (idiom); to take bribes and bend the law |
贪杯 tān bēi | to drink in excess |
起早贪黑 qǐ zǎo tān hēi | to be industrious, rising early and going to bed late |
贪官污吏 tān guān wū lì | grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption |
贪求 tān qiú | to pursue greedily; to crave |
反贪 fǎn tān | anti-corruption (policy) |
贪嘴 tān zuǐ | gluttonous |
贪婪无厌 tān lán wú yàn | avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied |
反贪污 fǎn tān wū | anticorruption |
反贪腐 fǎn tān fǔ | anti-corruption |
好酒贪杯 hào jiǔ tān bēi | fond of the bottle (idiom) |
桀贪骜诈 jié tān ào zhà | brutal, greedy, arrogant and deceitful (idiom) |
贪占 tān zhàn | to misappropriate |
贪吃者 tān chī zhě | glutton |