HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1655th character |
RADICAL | ⾦ (167.5) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2894 |
mirror, looking glass; reflect
- mirror, looking glass
- reflect
- variant of 鑑|鉴[jian4]
- old variant of 鑒|鉴[jian4]
- example
- mirror
- to view
- reflection
- to reflect
- to inspect
- to warn
- (ancient bronze mirror)

鉴于 jiàn yú | in view of; seeing that; considering; whereas |
鉴定 jiàn dìng | to appraise; to identify; to evaluate |
鉴别 jiàn bié | to differentiate; to distinguish |
借鉴 jiè jiàn | to draw on (others' experience); to learn from (how others do things); lesson to be learned (by observing others) |
年鉴 nián jiàn | annual report; yearbook; almanac |
有鉴于此 yǒu jiàn yú cǐ | in view of this; to this end |
前车之鉴 qián chē zhī jiàn | to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom) |
鉴赏 jiàn shǎng | to appreciate (as a connoisseur) |
鉴赏家 jiàn shǎng jiā | connoisseur; appreciative person; fan |
图鉴 tú jiàn | illustrated handbook |
印鉴 yìn jiàn | seal impression; stamp; mark from a seal serving as signature |
以史为鉴 yǐ shǐ wéi jiàn | to learn from history (idiom) |
DNA鉴定 d n a jiàn dìng | DNA test; DNA testing |
前车之覆,后车之鉴 qián chē zhī fù , hòu chē zhī jiàn | lit. the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart (idiom); fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy |
品鉴 pǐn jiàn | to judge; to examine; to evaluate |
国家文物鉴定委员会 guó jiā wén wù jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì | National Commission for the Identification of Cultural Heritage |
后车之鉴 hòu chē zhī jiàn | lit. warning to the following cart (idiom); don't follow the track of an overturned cart; fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy |
德法年鉴 dé fǎ nián jiàn | Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (published once in 1844 by Karl Marx and bourgeois radical Arnold Ruge) |
油光可鉴 yóu guāng kě jiàn | lit. oily and shiny to the point of reflecting (idiom); lustrous |
洞鉴 dòng jiàn | to examine deeply; to inspect closely |
亲子鉴定 qīn zǐ jiàn dìng | paternity or maternity test |
评鉴 píng jiàn | evaluation; assessment |
资治通鉴 zī zhì tōng jiàn | A Mirror for the Wise Ruler (or Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government), a vast chronological general history, written by 司馬光|司马光[Si1 ma3 Guang1] Sima Guang (1019-1089) and collaborators during the Northern Song in 1084, covering the period 403 BC-959 AD, 294 scrolls |
赏鉴 shǎng jiàn | to appreciate (a work of art) |
鉴价 jiàn jià | to appraise; appraisal; valuation |