
mirror, looking glass; reflect


  • mirror, looking glass
  • reflect
  • variant of 鑑|鉴[jian4]
  • old variant of 鑒|鉴[jian4]
  • example
  • mirror
  • to view
  • reflection
  • to reflect
  • to inspect
  • to warn
  • (ancient bronze mirror)


DNA定 d n a jiàn dìng DNA test; DNA testing
以史為 yǐ shǐ wéi jiàn to learn from history (idiom)
jiè jiàn to draw on (others' experience); to learn from (how others do things); lesson to be learned (by observing others)
前車之覆,後車之 qián chē zhī fù , hòu chē zhī jiàn lit. the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart (idiom); fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy
前車之 qián chē zhī jiàn to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom)
yìn jiàn seal impression; stamp; mark from a seal serving as signature
pǐn jiàn to judge; to examine; to evaluate
國家文物定委員會 guó jiā wén wù jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì National Commission for the Identification of Cultural Heritage
tú jiàn illustrated handbook
後車之 hòu chē zhī jiàn lit. warning to the following cart (idiom); don't follow the track of an overturned cart; fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; learn from past mistake; once bitten twice shy
德法年 dé fǎ nián jiàn Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (published once in 1844 by Karl Marx and bourgeois radical Arnold Ruge)
於此 yǒu jiàn yú cǐ in view of this; to this end
油光可 yóu guāng kě jiàn lit. oily and shiny to the point of reflecting (idiom); lustrous
dòng jiàn to examine deeply; to inspect closely
親子定 qīn zǐ jiàn dìng paternity or maternity test
píng jiàn evaluation; assessment
資治通 zī zhì tōng jiàn A Mirror for the Wise Ruler (or Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government), a vast chronological general history, written by 司馬光|司马光[Si1 ma3 Guang1] Sima Guang (1019-1089) and collaborators during the Northern Song in 1084, covering the period 403 BC-959 AD, 294 scrolls
shǎng jiàn to appreciate (a work of art)
定委員會 jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì evaluation committee; review board
往知來 jiàn wǎng zhī lái to observe the past to foresee the future (idiom, taken loosely from Book of Songs); studying ancient wisdom gives insight into what is to come
戒 jiàn jiè lesson from events of the past; warning
於 jiàn yú in view of; seeing that; considering; whereas
真 jiàn zhēn Jianzhen or Ganjin (688-763), Tang dynastic Buddhist monk, who crossed to Japan after several unsuccessful attempts, influential in Japanese Buddhism
真和尚 jiàn zhēn hé shang Jianzhen or Ganjin (688-763), Tang Buddhist monk, who crossed to Japan after several unsuccessful attempts, influential in Japanese Buddhism
賞家 jiàn shǎng jiā connoisseur; appreciative person; fan
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