HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 1914th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.8) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2715 |
chest cavity; hollow in body
腔 qiāng |

口腔 kǒu qiāng | oral cavity |
娘娘腔 niáng niang qiāng | sissy; effeminate |
胸腔 xiōng qiāng | thoracic cavity |
腔调 qiāng diào | accent |
装腔作势 zhuāng qiāng zuò shì | posturing; pretentious; affected |
腹腔 fù qiāng | abdominal cavity |
鼻腔 bí qiāng | nasal cavity |
唱腔 chàng qiāng | vocal music (in opera); aria |
满腔 mǎn qiāng | one's heart filled with; full of (joy) |
盆腔 pén qiāng | the pelvic cavity; birth canal |
打官腔 dǎ guān qiāng | to talk officiously; to assume the air of a functionary; to talk in official jargon |
体腔 tǐ qiāng | body cavity; coelom (biology) |
搭腔 dā qiāng | to answer; to respond; to converse |
开腔 kāi qiāng | to speak out; to start speaking |
花腔 huā qiāng | florid ornamentation in opera; coloratura |
帮腔 bāng qiāng | vocal accompaniment in some traditional Chinese operas; to speak in support of; to chime in |
字正腔圆 zì zhèng qiāng yuán | (of singing or speaking) very articulate pronunciation and vocalizing |
满腔热忱 mǎn qiāng rè chén | full of enthusiasm |
一腔 yī qiāng | full of (zeal, anger etc) |
南腔北调 nán qiāng běi diào | a regional accent |
南腔北調 nán qiāng běi diào | a regional accent |
口腔炎 kǒu qiāng yán | stomatitis; ulceration of oral cavity; inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth |
哭腔 kū qiāng | sobbing tone; sob; dirge; opera tune portraying mourning |
字正腔圓 zì zhèng qiāng yuán | (of singing or speaking) very articulate pronunciation and vocalizing |
小气腔 xiǎo qì qiāng | small air cavity |