HSK | 6 |
FREQUENCY | 664th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.5) |
INDEX # | 1261 |
waves, breakers; undulations
波 bō |

波浪 bō làng | wave |
奔波 bēn bō | to rush about; to be constantly on the move |
波涛 bō tāo | great waves; billows |
波士顿 bō shì dùn | Boston, capital of Massachusetts |
波特 bō tè | Potter or Porter (surname); (loanword) baud (computing); porter (beer) |
波兰 bō lán | Poland |
波斯 bō sī | Persia |
微波炉 wēi bō lú | microwave oven; CL:臺|台[tai2] |
波多黎各 bō duō lí gè | Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States |
波比 bō bǐ | burpee (loanword) |
波动 bō dòng | to undulate; to fluctuate; wave motion; rise and fall |
阿波罗 ā bō luó | Apollo (loanword) |
超声波 chāo shēng bō | ultrasound (scan) |
曼波 màn bō | mambo (dance) (loanword) |
声波 shēng bō | sound wave |
微波 wēi bō | ripple; microwave |
波斯尼亚 bō sī ní yà | Bosnia |
冲击波 chōng jī bō | shock wave; blast wave |
波希米亚 bō xī mǐ yà | Bohemia, historical country of central Europe |
波罗 bō luó | Polo (car made by Volkswagen); surname Polo |
风波 fēng bō | disturbance; crisis; disputes; restlessness; CL:場|场[chang2] |
脑电波 nǎo diàn bō | see 腦波|脑波[nao3 bo1] |
波音 bō yīn | Boeing (aerospace company); mordent (music) |
波恩 bō ēn | Bonn, a small town on the Rhine, Cold War capital of West Germany 1949-1990 |
电波 diàn bō | electric wave; alternating current |