astringent; harsh; uneven, rough

HSK 6 #2836


  • astringent
  • harsh
  • uneven, rough
  • astringent
  • tart
  • acerbity
  • unsmooth
  • rough (surface)
  • hard to understand
  • obscure
  • old variant of 澀|涩[se4]



kǔ sè bitter and astringent; pained; agonized
xiū sè shy; bashful
huì sè difficult to understand; cryptic
gān sè dry and rough (skin); hoarse (voice); dry and heavy (style)
囊中羞 náng zhōng xiū sè to be embarrassingly short of money
shēng sè unripe; tart; not fully proficient; somewhat shaky
lěng sè cold and sluggish; chilly
zhuō sè clumsy and incomprehensible; botched writing
味 sè wèi acerbic (taste); astringent
脉 sè mài sluggish pulse
tuō sè to remove astringent taste
艰深晦 jiān shēn huì sè abstruse and unfathomable (idiom)
nè sè clumsy in speech; tongue tied
jiǎn sè awkward; lame; difficulty (esp. in moving); not smooth
suān sè sour; acrid; (fig.) bitter; painful
qīng sè underripe; (fig.) young and inexperienced
xián sè salty and bitter; acerbic
jiān sè difficult and awkward; hard to understand or digest
zhì sè sticky and rough; stagnant and hesitant
wēi sè slightly astringent; describes a subtle feeling of roughness or bitterness, often used metaphorically to describe slight emotional discomfort
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